KARSP members work together to enhance the present and future quality of life in our state and promote independence, dignity, and purpose for our members.
KARSP has approximately 3,700 members across the state of Kansas. Our association brings retired school employees together through shared interests. Our members continue to work in our communities to support public education as a vital force working for a bright future for our state.
Our objectives are to keep up with issues that relate to education, aging, health and welfare, pension benefits, and identify volunteer opportunities.
KARSP is a watchdog for the Kansas Public Employee Pension system. KARSP has a registered lobbyist and a legislative committee that work tirelessly to protect the retiree pension system and make efforts to enhance the system.
Joining KARSP is one way to have a voice in legislative issues that will affect KPERS pensions and at the same time have access to a variety of other benefits while staying connected with other retirees.
You can also visit the Kansas Coalition of Public Retirees website at: http://www.ksretirees.org/